Unleavened Studios

About Us

"My origin story"

I grew up in Lubbock, Texas. As a child, my imagination always ran wild. I don't recall exactly why, but I would have my father cut out the face of Mr. Pringles from every Pringles can and use it as the monster in horror skits I made with my dolls. Then I would "broadcast" news stories with the dolls - the barbie being the anchor, and the animals being weathermen. Let's not forget the music videos! I would premiere all of these segments to my family.

Soon dolls transitioned into family members, and now my nephew was being forced into several roles he didn't want to play. I look back and cringe when I think of them, but there was something about the world of film I was captivated by. It had nothing to do with the glitz and glamour, but the thrill I got from watching people be entertained.

"Humble Beginnings"

I woud go on to take several film classes in middle school and high school, and along the way, created several promotional videos for different companies like Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Southwest, Lubbock Chamber of Commerce, and LISD-TV. Yet I wouldn't discover my passion for screenwriting along with directing until I attended South Plains College in Leveland, Texas.

"All Because of God"

It was in the spring of 2022 that God woud begin to call me to the island of Oahu. I always knew I wanted to further my education at a 4 year university, but who knew God would call me there. Once I began attending Hawaii Pacific University, God began to fulfill my heart's greatest desire which was to make a company for myself.

"The Call"

In the fall of 2023 I produced my first short film titled A Mother's Love which is about Mother Mary dealing with her grief after the death of Jesus. I had absolutely no means to create this film, but I needed it completed by the end of the semester. So me and the LORD got to work. I wrote, directed, and created the set/costume pieces for this short.

The following semester, the spring of 2024, I was tasked yet again with creating another film. This time I produced The Servant which is about the prophet Isaiah and the messianic prophecy (Isaiah 53). Not too shabby.

It was during the production of these two films that I told God I needed a name to call myself. I flipped through the gospels and fell upon the Last Supper. There it is! Jesus' final meal. Unleavened Bread. Unleavened Studios was born.

"Why Unleavened Studios?"

Unleavened Studios was created with the sole intention of revealing the glory of God to the world. We all have our misconceptions of God, but it can become easier to at least semi grasp his identity if we see it on a big screen. As of writing this, I am 23 years old and on my final semester of college. May the LORD take this however far He wants it to go.

Shalom, shalom!

Makayla A. Kirven

  1. oil lamp
  2. prophet isaiah
  3. isaiah
  4. moon
  5. mother mary
  6. A mother's love crew
  7. me
  8. camera
  9. me again